Need help deciding if you should move some or all of your business to the cloud? Let us work with you in making this decision by identifying the requirements, the pros and cons, and the costs and benefits of moving some or all of your business to the cloud.
If you have already moved some functions or part of your business to the cloud, we can help ongoing management of your cloud infrastructure. We can help with cloud vendor moves or changes, ISP changes, evaluating new cloud technologies, storage or bandwidth increases, or any other aspect of your cloud computing ecosystem.
We can help you evaluate the various public, private, and hybrid cloud options and design, implement, and manage the cloud configuration that is right for your business.
Offsite backup is frequently the first cloud technology contemplated by small or medium businesses. Whether you simply want to put critical files in the cloud or you want the ability to spin up a complete image of your business environment in the cloud while you recover from an on-premises disaster, we can help you make the necessary arrangements and be prepared for any type of disaster.
Hosted Exchange and/or Office 365 are among the most mature of the enterprise-level business services that have been moved to the cloud. If you’ve wanted these enterprise-level services for your business, or if you’re ready to move from an on-premises exchange server, we can provide these services on a monthly subscription basis either alone or in concert with an on-going managed services agreement.
Some businesses want to keep an on-premises server for security, control, and proprietary line-of-business software but want to also take advantage of cloud services like Office 365, offsite backup, cloud collaboration for remote users, and disaster recovery. We offer a state-of-the-art hybrid cloud IT solution that fills all of these needs. Even better, it is available on a monthly subscription, operating expense basis, is maintained always current, and is replaced at each 3-year or 5-year contract renewal with a new system using the most current hardware and software. With this solution you will never have to face a huge capital expense for server infrastructure refresh again.
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